by Joanna Moćko-Łazarewicz | Feb 8, 2023
All good things come to an end. Let’s sum up ShinyConf 2023! Marek Rogala, CTO at Appsilon and Program Committee Chair together with Joanna Mocko-Lazarewicz, Community Manager at Appsilon will share the closing remarks.
by Hubert Hałun | Feb 8, 2023
For the past 10 years, the R community has been able to use Shiny to bring interactive data analyses to the web. Last summer, we announced that Shiny would also be available to for Python. In this talk, I’ll discuss what we’ve learned along the way, as well as the...
by Hubert Hałun | Feb 8, 2023
Shiny, the R package for creating interactive web graphics, recently celebrated its 10th birthday. Since then, Shiny has grown tremendously in many areas (e.g., performance, functionality, extensions, etc); however, a “hello world” Shiny app still looks...